Composed by Makis Ablianitis
Violin soloist Giorgos Magklaras
Arranged & produced by Dreamers Inc & ThroDef
Taken from the album Earthbounds

World ethnic sound, inspired melodies, travelling atmosphere. However URANOS moves a step forward.
This time Makis is travelling to internal landscapes: to the past, the memories, the emotions.
And as we travel from one song to another, our emotions change in a similar way, from melancholic to optimistic, from decrescendo to crescendo, from down to up.
Guitar, woodwind instruments and a solid rhythm section are the center around which Makis draws his landscapes, with the traditional elements of Mediterranean improvised music.
The virtuosity of the group members is given, but always such, that it fills the needs of music expression.
Makis does not hesitate to use and mix those elements with the classic forms of jazz and street beat, so as to create something interesting and unique, based on the reach melodies of his compositions…
Vocals play also a main role in the orchestration, as melodies jump over the strong rhythm section.