We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us



The “Greek Breakfast” Initiative Is Now Being Promoted Abroad

The “Greek Breakfast” initiative, which introduces Greek food products to tourists, will now also be promoted abroad through a series of actions. The Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH), which launched the project a decade ago, has teamed up with Marketing Greece to create content to be featured in Discover Greece, as well as for the launch [...]

By |2023-03-17T15:59:22+02:00March 17th, 2023|Categories: Pushup My Day|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The “Greek Breakfast” Initiative Is Now Being Promoted Abroad

5 Worst Habits for Heart Health

America’s heart is breaking—but you have the power to mend it. Cardiovascular disease accounts for about one in three deaths in the U.S., with over 2,200 Americans dying of cardiovascular disease each day, according to the American Heart Association. Most doctors agree that prevention is the best tool for fighting the condition. You Think Foods [...]

By |2020-11-10T13:38:01+02:00February 2nd, 2018|Categories: Pushup My Day|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Ο κανόνας των 60 δευτερολέπτων

Ο καθένας μπορεί να γυμναστεί σκληρά και να χύσει λίτρα ιδρώτα στο γυμναστήριο. Το ζήτημα είναι να το αποφασίσει. Αλλά πώς; Υπάρχει ο κανονισμός των 60 δευτερολέπτων. Τουλάχιστον αυτόν προτείνει μία έρευνα που διαπίστωσε ότι όταν κάποιος γυμνάζεται με διαλείμματα και όχι για αρκετή ώρα χωρίς… ανάσα, τότε θα νιώσει ότι ολοκληρώνει το πρόγραμμα πιο [...]

By |2020-11-10T13:40:27+02:00July 13th, 2016|Categories: Pushup My Day|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Fresh Juice Recipes to Start Your Day

Balanced Green Juice Green juice should taste as good as it makes you feel. This recipe strikes a pleasing chord with well-balanced sweet, tart, spicy, and hearty flavors. Balanced Green Juice Ingredients 1/2 cup (4 ounces) fresh cucumber juice from about 1 medium cucumber 3 tablespoons (1 1/2 ounces) fresh kale juice from [...]

By |2020-11-10T13:40:59+02:00March 1st, 2016|Categories: Bake My Day|Tags: , |0 Comments
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