To commemorate the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution, Greek-American Angie Xidias recently created the #WeAreGreece campaign.
#WeAreGreece promotes the Greek ideals of democracy, freedom and independence to Hellenes and Philhellenes all around the world.
“The inspiration came when I was working on my social media posts for International Women’s Day,” owner of One Bean Marketing, Angie Xidias told GCT.
“Every year international Women’s Day campaign has a specific theme with a call to action and hashtag to go along with the theme directing people to post this theme on their social media in support. This year it’s #choosetochallenge Their message was simple, women have to challenge the status quo in order to advance change, we have to choose to change.”
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, parades and events in America to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution, have been cancelled.
“That is when I felt compelled to create a Global Social Media campaign to unite people all across the globe to celebrate Greece’s ideals of democracy, freedom and independence. We have a lot to be proud of, from ancient times, the people of Greece have made valuable contributions to humanity in the arts, sciences, philosophy, culture, technology and industry. After centuries of oppression, Greeks changed the course of their history, and fought for their Independence and the images reflect this in the campaign,” she added.
Xidias created a series of images which reflect Greece’s history with powerful messages that are intended to provoke emotional pride.
“Greeks especially the ones that live abroad are very proud to be Greek, are very proud of our history, our country and it’s the one thing that unites us. Pride is a powerful emotion which has the ability to unite and this is the purpose of this campaign.”
These images are to be shared along with the hashtag #WeAreGreece on personal and business social media accounts on March 25, to unite us all in celebration of this historic anniversary.
“The hashtag #WeAreGreece was created specifically for this campaign. #WeAreGreece unites the people of Greece, the people who love Greece and the people who support Greece,” Xidias emphasised.
You don’t have to be Greek to participate, anyone who appreciates Greece and the contributions Greece has made to the world can support this campaign and celebrate.
“Having studied Classical Civilization and Hellenic Studies at New York University and using my business as a platform, I feel like my work has come full circle through this campaign. I was able to combine my love for Greece, my respect for our ancestors, our hopes for our future along with my experience of business development to create an awareness campaign to celebrate this historic event. It is truly an honour. I am excited to have created this campaign and I hope it evokes a feeling of pride not only for your readers but to all who see it, read it, I hope it compels them to share it with pride!” Xidias concluded.
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