All the more travelers from long-haul markets are choosing Greece for their holidays this year, according to the latest Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August released this week by the European Travel Commission (ETC) in collaboration with Eurail BV.

The study, which looks at travel intention in six overseas markets, namely Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, and the United States, found that Greece is in the Top 10 preferred destinations in Europe for vacationers from Brazil, Canada, Japan, the US and Russia. 

Earlier this year the ETC found that Greece moved up a spot to fourth in the Top 10 preferred countries for travel by Europeans.

The study found that overall, intention for long-haul travel remains weak in key markets with concerns about Covid-19 and safety, travel-related costs, and the lack of convenient travel connections being the main deterrents to long-haul travel this summer.

Sentiment for travel from several markets remains below pre-pandemic levels but is still slightly better compared to 2021, the ETC said.


The only market where the travel sentiment increased significantly compared to a year ago is Brazil.

Brazilians eager to travel are thinking about visiting Greece, which is in sixth spot with a 13 percent share together with Switzerland, and after Portugal, Italy, France, Spain, the UK and Germany.

BRAZIL -Source: Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August – ETC

The report goes on to add that although the Russia-Ukraine war has created new challenges for the European travel sector, it appears to have had a limited impact on sentiment in most long-haul source markets apart from those of China and Russia.

“ETC is pleased to see that long-haul travel sentiment is gradually improving as the world continues to recover from the pandemic – albeit at a slow pace,” said ETC President Luís Araújo.

“Europe remains a safe and attractive travel destination. Nonetheless, the fallout from the conflict, such as rising costs of living and travel related costs are hampering the sector’s recovery. Promoting Europe in overseas markets and restoring international mobility will be crucial for the sector’s recovery in 2022,” he added.


Russian travelers’ desire to visit Europe slumped to its lowest level on record, significantly lower than the sentiment expressed during the first Covid-19 wave.

RUSSIA – Source: Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August – ETC


The ongoing war has deterred Chinese travelers from visiting Europe also, however the primary concern for Chinese travelers are the Omicron outbreaks and the strict zero-Covid at home.

United States

USA – Source: Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August – ETC

Meanwhile, travel sentiment in the US has remained stable from last summer but intent to visit Europe has dropped affected mostly by concerns about the impact of inflation on personal finances and increased travel costs. American are expected to travel mostly in June and August with over half still not having booked their plane tickets.


Canada – Source: Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August – ETC

Canadians are also hesitant about when to take their next European holiday, with only 30 percent having booked their flight tickets for summer 2022.


Despite a marginal increase in travel sentiment, Japanese enthusiasm for long-haul travel remains low with the sentiment for visiting Europe somewhat higher.

Japan – Source: Long-Haul Travel Barometer May-August – ETC

Established in 1948, the European Travel Commission (ETC) represents Europe national tourism organizations.